Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Updated 0th level character sheet

I have updated the 0th level sheet, the new sheet can be found here.

My next DCC projects:
  • Make a 1st/2nd level sheet. I am thinking it should probably be two characters per sheet.
  • Make some sort of marching order tracker, maybe something as simple as little character nametags that can be pushed around as characters die change march order.
  • Spells record sheet. Instead of printing out gobs of text about each spell I think a simplified cheat sheet for players to fill out would work well. One stop shop for all of the relevant information (mercurial magic, manifestation, brief summary of spell effects, etc.).


Gothridge Manor said...

Dled it. Thanks. I think I'll find a use for it for other games also.

Unknown said...

Glad you like it!