Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reaper Bones review part 2

Read the final review here.

Quick update:

Over the last few days I've corresponded with someone at Reaper who gave me a number of suggestions for fixing the bentness of the warrior's sword. Finally hit upon one that worked very well: soak briefly in hot water then reform, hold until cool. I tried first with just using water hot from the tap, didn't work, but then microwaved the water until nearly boiling and just dipped in the sword arm - the sword basically straightened itself. It is not totally perfect looking but weapons on metal miniatures rarely end up being perfectly straight either so I'm not going to fuss. As I said, I don't think being terribly finicky is worth it for a $2 miniature. That being said, now that I know I can fix bent weapons I am much more likely to buy more of the line and will likely wind up contributing to the kickstarter campaign.

Once I put some paint on it I'll update again.


Unknown said...


Hi! Thanks for taking an interest in my blog. I took a look at your sample and I'm afraid it's not something that I'm going to be interested in reviewing.

I hope you stick around for more of my random blatherings anyways!

You make a good point though. I should probably have a contact email posted.

anarchist said...

No problem. Thanks anyway.
